About Ev

Its 2023, I am 7 years old, and I have already been gaming for several years. Even though I love playing football, basketball, and hockey, gaming is what I love to do most! 

I also have a 1-year-old brother who likes to watch me game; in fact, sometimes he presses buttons on my iPad or my gaming remote that helps me learn something new by accident (most of the time he presses buttons that mess something up, but hey, he’s, my brother! 😊).

I began playing Minecraft when I was 4 years old, and I haven’t stopped. It opened up a whole new world of curiosity and problem-solving that I can’t get enough of. Minecraft is the game that truly got me interested in gaming. Sure, I play a lot of games on Nintendo Switch like Supersmash Brothers or MarioKart, and I also play a ton of games on Roblox, but I love building things and the journey that goes along with it. 

Eventually, I want to expand my gaming journey into a gaming counsel with sports games like Madden and NBA 2K. Who knows, I may even post videos of me playing sports outside with my friends. Sports are games too!  I also enjoy vintage games, like Sonic the Hedgehog, the Legend of Zelda, Mario Brothers, and maybe even Goldeneye 007 (my Dad’s favorite game LOL). 

If you see me wearing one of my gaming shirts, it is because I wear them often. If you like them, you are welcome to visit the store on this website and scoop one up for yourself.  We can stay connected through gaming and merchandise, how cool is that? 

Anyway, we can go through all this together and I am excited for you to tag along. I want to make videos that first and foremost help you learn things about these games that you may not already know. I also want you to be entertained and see a different side of the games you haven’t seen. I may even bring some friends along in my videos and you can see how we interact. I hope to learn things from you in the comments section of my YouTube channel @ev-games. Don’t be shy to tell me about your gaming adventures; I definitely want to hear about them.

I hope you enjoy the videos and follow me on the journey; hopefully, we can play online together soon!
